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At times she can be sweet, others a little dark...
but she's always BOLD and BEAUTIFUL.
Meet our beautiful and kind DECEMBER TATTOO GIRL OF THE MONTH @katedeservesallthewine !
In her own words... "I'm 41, the chief legal officer for a technology company in Wilmington, NC. I'm married and a mom of 2 precious little ones, 5 & 8. I live on the coast and enjoy the beach, water, boat life, fishing, paddle boarding, kayaking, and all things outdoors 🏖. My dream for my second career is to get my yoga certification and open a yoga/wine studio/bottle shop. I LOVE wine and have an amateur IG sommelier wine review page - it's really just for fun, nothing serious 🍷. I love your brand because I feel like self representation and self expression is so important. I love that you celebrate the beauty of women and body art and self-confidence. Not only is your wine excellent at reasonable pricing, but it's fun to share with friends and explore our own introspective self-art. My tattoos mean something deeply personal to me - each has a very personal meaning. But I also will share with any stranger why I got that particular tattoo....because to me it's all about life lessons. I like to document my trials and tribulations with body art to remind myself daily that this too can and shall be overcome. And I'm all about sharing with others in the hope that maybe, perhaps, a lesson I have learned may help someone else in their journey."
For centuries, women and wine have shared a deep connection and qualities that appeal to our senses, and wine and tattoos have been a part of our culture for thousands of years. Like real “girls,” each of the Girls is uniquely beautiful.
find your girl"Express freely. Act boldly. Celebrate fully." This is the essence of Tattoo Girl as a brand, as well as the tattoo culture we belong to. Just as grapes evolve into a beautiful wine, we believe tattoos remind us of what we’ve been through and represent how we can evolve with a renewed spirit of strength and hope for the future.
see all winesOur wines are sourced from Washington State’s award-winning most northern vineyard sites, located in the Ancient Lakes AVA and Wahluke Slope.
Our Master of Wine, Bob Paulinski spent the better part of four decades working with wineries throughout the world. He works closely with our experienced winemakers to create the Tattoo Girl wines that are distinctive, expressive, and true to its place of origin.
get to know our vineyardsBy clicking enter, I certify that I am over the age of 21.
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Our story is about bringing unique people and great wine together. Your story begins when you let TATTOO GIRL out of the bottle. Follow @tattoogirlwine for all of our latest adventures.
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